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Showing posts from April, 2019

Self-worth, sexuality, and suicide: A long form answer to “how are you doing?”

I am a frail and desperate thing. Maybe we all are at times, but I can only speak for myself. I almost ended my life. I wanted to for a long time. I have a story to tell here. A very long story that doesn’t have an ending. Let's back up… We are walking along the road up the hill, a hike up Mount Davidson. There is tension between us. I’ve been talking to a friend who is seeing a married man. Per the friend, it is not going well. My relationship with this friend causes stress for my wife. As we walk, the tension comes to convalesce into a more concrete form. My relationship with this friend, the one who is a third in an imbalanced and to be short-lived triad, is a source of distrust and discord between us. My wife suspects I have feelings for her. These sorts of relationships that she does not know how to interpret have been an issue before. I have historically grown very close emotionally with women. This is something my wife does not understand. Her role models of relationshi